SEO & Inbound Marketing Thoughts & Ideas!

What Is A Lead Generation Website?

Written by Julie Mitchell-Mehta | Tuesday, 26 September 2017

We talk a lot about lead generation websites, so in this video, Julie explains exactly what a lead generation website is and what it is not.

It's important to understand the purpose of a website before briefing an agency to design and build it. Do you want it to generate new enquiries for you business, or is it there to reassure existing contacts?

Websites for Reassurance

Some websites function like brochures. They are designed for people who already know about you because you've met them, you've spoken to them on the 'phone or they've been told about you by someone. They are already a lead because you've had contact with them. However, they want more information to supplement the meeting or the call,  or they need reassurance that you are who you say you are. The website is part of your sales process; it provides back-up, but it's not bringing in new leads.

Websites for Lead Generation

On the other hand, some websites get found by people who have never heard of that business before, when they are searching for a solution to a problem or a question. In other words, they attract new visitors. And, once those new visitors are on the website, they find information that is sufficiently useful or engaging so that they do something else, such as make an enquiry, download an e-book or watch a video. And if, in the process, they provide their contact details and permission to get in touch, then they become a lead.

It's the diffference between speaking to people who already know you and people who don't. Both types of website serve a useful purpose but we normally think it is worth going the extra mile and getting those new leads.